viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

About Us


My  contact  with  the  computing  and  programming  world  beginning  late  and  by  need.  Was   the   90's  and  I'd  twenty  years  old,  and   was  studying  in  the  Valparaiso Catholic  University  at Chile  Mechanical  Engineering t and   my  mind  roam  in  other  side... in  the  Aerodynamic Physics.  So  each  time  that  present  an opportunity   escape  me ,  like husband  with  his furtive  mistress,  go to  IMA (Mathematical  Institute) Library  at  Valparíaso  Port ,  there  I  was  all  day.  to update  my  physical  Knowledge in  special  aerodynamic,  I   devoured  the  books  of  aerodynamics,  after  solicite  other  and after  other  and  so far. To   midday,   dissapear quickly  to  to  eat  hydrated  fetuccini  to  the  center  of  city  and after  go  to  look  to  the  sea  and  to  see  docking  the   ships  in  the  port,   was  one  epoch very  beauty  in my  life (tears) ... At  the   night  arrive  to  my  hostel  house  where  I  treat  to  reproduce  the  aerodynamic  equations   to   graphic it   and  then  beginning  the  problems. The  problem  reside  in the   enormous  dimensions  of  the  equations,  simply  no  fit  in  the  scrap-book sheet...This  cause  me  big  disilution ,  further  to  make  the  graphics  with  two  variables  was  impossible.  In  this  moment  the  computing  world  was  some  totally  far  of  me ,  I  was  ignorant  of  name  like  Bill  Gate, Steve  Jobs,  Bjarne Stroustrup ,  Larry  Page Sargei  Brin  and   all  those  constellation  of  computing  stars.  So that   pass  the  follow  seven  years  for  the  difficultous  and  tortuos way  of   programming  world with  my  486   until  that  I  learn  (for  osmosis).  The  first  lengauge  that  dominate  in  that  moment  was   Q-Basic  it   was  beautyful,   easy   to  learn  and  manipulate,  so  may  draw  my  first  aerodynamic  profil  in  a  computer ,  was  some   unforgettable..fantastic!  But even   remain  a   problem :  the  long  equations  and  its  "hurts" algebra,  then  I  decide make  a  programm  in  C++ language  to  symbolic  calculation  and  incredibly  it  result, I was  very  happy and  excitate . My  first  programm  I called  "derive"  and  derive  various  function,  after other  to   sum  algebraic  terms  and  so  until  join  all  routines  in  a  big  programm  that  I  called  TGU because  Theory  of  Great  Unification  in  Physics. I  pass  various  days  in  it  until  day  appear  in  my  hand  a  copy  of  Matlab ,  and  so  beginning  one  love  to  first  view  and  let  "all"  by  Matlab  ,  a  big  wrong,  because  after  become  aware  me  that  the  symbolic  calculation  tools   in  Matlab  was  poor  and  limited...I  need  some  more  powerful.    

                                       The  Vision

The  Programming  Works  a  site  where  to  dream  the  science, where  spread your  knowledges. because  the  world  is  changing , the machines  each  day  take  more  work  position in  the  industry  and  will  arrive  the  day  in  that  men  non-use  them  hand  to  work  but  you  ideas,  and  that  just  moment  we  are will  wait  for  you. Our  proyect to  future  is  crete  very uch  centers  where the  intelectual  capacities may  distend it  producing  the  more  big  tresure  that  the  humanity  have  to their  disposition , the  knowledge,  the  knowledge  to  choose  their  best  future.  To  this  we  need  work  site  totaly  differents  and  we  are  work  in  this  theme  with architect,  psicologist  and  sociologist.  I know it  is  some  revolutionary.              


 Programming  Works  is  the   Scientific   Division  of   Tuna  Group  . We  can  say  that   Programming  Works    is  part  of  the  heart  of  Tuna-Group.   Its  labour  is  special  so  they  have  complet  free   to  work  in  proper  proyect  even  also   they  develop  important  theorical  proyect  proper  of  Enterprise.
 Actually   we  have  three  research  line  important  developming it   that    we  called  "The  Tuna  Program". The  Tuna  Program   consist  of  Three, the first  consist   in  the  Superspeed Theory  ,  already  very  advanced,  to  space  travell,  the  second   is  about  one   Antigravity  Theory,  and  third  is  about  AI  (Artificial  Inteligence)  that  is  perhaps  the  more  ambitious  of  all. In  reality  the  three  is  ambitious  , in  the  good  feel,  because  we  believe  that  "if  you  don´t  set  big  target  in  the  life  never  you'll  advance  truly",  is  part  of  Tuna philosophy.    All  is  pure  Theoretical  Physic Matheatical   except  the  last  where  enter  other  disciplines.
To  achieve   all  this  we are wanting  vehement  investors,  patner  capitals  or  customs  because believe  us,  according  update  data,  that  have  enormous  "gold mine"  waiting  to  be  dig  in  this  theme  .